
Never get overcharged again!

Quick Start

Head to the profile page and add username and mobile / cell number. Then navigate to My Apps to start entering your apps, once an app is saved you can then update the data or schedule a notification by clicking on the applicable row.

Getting Started Step By Step

  1. Navigate to the profile page and add your preferred username and mobile / cell phone number for SMS notifications. Set you local timezone so scheduled and sent notificatons show in your timezone.

  2. When adding your mobile / cell phone number ensure that you include the country code (ie UK +44, AUS +61, etc). SMS notifications are not available for US/CA +1 numbers.

  3. Navigate to My Apps to start adding your current subscriptions. Click on any row to edit the data or create a notification.

  4. When creating a notification you can set the date and time. Note that the notification date and time is always recorded in 'Universal Time'.

  5. By default notifcations will send and email and SMS at the scheduled time.

Last updated